Tabbouleh of baby gherkins and avocado


     150 grammi bulgur

    1,5 decilitro succo di pompelmo

    1 cetriolini Coelsanus

    1 Avocado

    1 mazzetto mizuna (o rucola)MAZZETTO MIZUNA (O RUCOLA)

    1/2 limone verde LIMONE VERDE

     2 peperoncini Coelsnaus

    1 Rrametto erba cipollina

    3 cucchiaio aceto biancoi

    q.b. olio extravergine di oliva

    q.b. sale


Dilute the grapefruit juice with 1.5 dl of hot water, pour over the bulgur, cover and leave to soak for approximately 2 hours. Wash and dry the mizuna (or rocket), and break it up by hand. Place the green peppers with the vinegar and 3 tablespoons of water and chop with a hand blender. Chop the chives. Prepare a vinaigrette by combining 4 tablespoons of oil, the chopped green peppers in their liquid, the chives, and a pinch of salt. Dice the baby gherkins and the avocado. Break up the bulgur with a fork, then transfer into a bowl with the baby gherkins, the avocado, the shredded mizuna and several thin slices of lime. Dress with the vinaigrette.




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