Pizza with ham and artichokes


Per l’impasto:

600 grammi di farina 00

1 grammo di lievito di birra

35 millilitri di olio extra vergine di oliva

15 grammi di sale

350 millilitri di acqua


Per la farcitura:

Carciofottimo Arrostito Coelsanus

Prosciutto cotto

200 millilitri di passata di pomodoro

200 grammi di mozzarella per pizza

5 grammi di sale

4 cucchiai di olio extra vergine di oliva

Preparation time:

1 h 30 min




Dissolve the brewer’s yeast in 20 millilitres of warm water taken from the total. Place the flour in a large round bowl. Dissolve the yeast in some water and add to the flour. Knead together, adding the water a little at a time, so that it becomes absorbed slowly. Add the salt and oil, and continue kneading. The dough will be ready after about 15 minutes, when it becomes smooth, even and elastic. Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover the bowl with cling film and leave to rest in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and leave at room temperature for 9 hours. Divide the dough into 4 equal parts, forming them into balls. Cover and leave to rise for 3 hours. Dust a work surface with flour and stretch out the pizza by hand, leaving the edge a little higher. Cover with a tea towel and warm the oven to maximum temperature. Season the tomato passata with the oil and salt. When the oven is ready, place the pizzas on a baking tray; spread the tomato passata over them and place them in the bottom of the oven. When the pizza starts to puff up and colour, add the diced mozzarella, the artichokes and the ham and put them back in the oven for several minutes.




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