Flan with Borettane onions


500 g di Cipolle borettane Coelsanus

1 confezione di pasta sfoglia fresca, gia stesa

40 g di burro

1 cucchiaio di zucchero di canna

2 rametti di timo

1 ciuffo di prezzemolo

2 rametti di maggiorana



Bring a full pan of water to the boil. Add the onions,  cook for 3-4 minutes and drain. Melt the butter in a metal pie dish over a low flame. Add the sugar and allow it to colour, stirring with a wooden spoon. Add the onions and a pinch of salt. Stir occasionally while cooking over a low heat for approximately 5 minutes, until  a light golden caramel is formed. Wash and dry the thyme, parsley and marjoram, chop roughly, and sprinkle over the onions. Stir and allow to flavour. Spread the pastry over the onions, folding the edges of the pastry dough down inside the pie dish, forming a roll of about 1 cm thick. Prick the surface of the pastry dough with a fork or a skewer and cook the flan in a pre-heated oven at 200° C for approximately 35 minutes, until the pastry turns golden brown. Leave to rest for 1-2 minutes then quickly upturn onto the serving dish. Serve warm or cold.




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