Russian salad


Uova 2

Carote 200 gr

Cetriolini sott'aceto Coelsanus  50 gr

Capperi lacrimella 1 cucchiaio

Piselli (surgelati) 300 gr

Sale q.b.

Pepe macinato a piacere

Patate 500 gr

Aceto q.b.

Olio di oliva extravergine q.b.

Maionese 300 gr


Preparation time:

40 min




Clean and wash the vegetables, dice them and cook separately in boiling salted water. Cook the peas and the hard-boiled eggs in different pans. When cooked, drain the vegetables, place together in a bowl and allow to cool. Pass the eggs under running water, peel the shells and keep aside. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, including the eggs cut into pieces. Add the baby gherkins and drained capers and mix. Add 2/3 of the mayonnaise and mix carefully. Transfer into a serving dish and cover with the remaining mayonnaise. Level with a spatula and serve.





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